Where Are They Now: DJ Henderson

DJ Henderson was a 13-year-old at Opportunity Charter School in 2014 when he learned about StreetSquash. He was enamored with the idea of learning a new sport, and with many of his friends also jumping at the opportunity, it made his decision to join StreetSquash that much easier. 


He says the program opened him up to many new opportunities and he had a lot of support to help him move forward. He particularly connected with the program’s social worker at the time.


“She was someone I could confide in about anything,” DJ said. “We often spent time in the wellness room, talking about life and helping me regain my focus. I truly don’t know where I’d be without her—she changed my perspective in so many ways.”


His fondest memories from the program were the trips he took outside Harlem, participating in squash tournaments.


“I miss those events not just for the competition, but for the team bonding they fostered,” DJ said. “Traveling as a kid really opened my eyes and gave me a chance to escape the city while doing something I loved, in addition to spending quality time with my teammates.” 


Having success at those tournaments added to the joy. DJ said he earned his first trophy in 2015 and finished in second place at a tournament at Amherst College in 2019. 


StreetSquash also pushed him to get through his homework assignments.


“Although I wasn’t particularly fond of school as a kid, attending squash after school motivated me to complete my homework and study effectively,” DJ said. “The tutors were fantastic, pairing us with experts in different subjects, which was a huge help. They even guided me through the college preparation process.”


That college application process led him to SUNY Fredonia in 2019 and he graduated with a degree in photography earlier this year (2024). His pursuit of photography allowed him to become the photographer for the school’s sports programs in his senior year where he attended swim meets, hockey games, baseball games, and basketball games. He added that college was an emotional time for him.


“If I had to sum up my college experience in one word, it would be ‘rollercoaster,’” DJ said. “College is full of ups and downs, whether it’s academics or friendships, and it’s important to learn how to handle those challenges. Maintaining a positive mindset helped me significantly.”

DJ is also big into fashion and in his spare time enjoys making clothes. In the months since graduating, DJ has been doing more fashion-related activities and he plans to pursue a Master’s Degree at the Fashion Institute of Technology. 


“I aspire to work in the fashion industry and push my creative talents,” DJ said. “My goal is to stay true to myself and pursue what makes me happy.”

He says his time at StreetSquash has taught him to tackle any challenge life throws his way.

“My time at StreetSquash taught me the importance of perseverance,” DJ said. “There will be challenging days and brighter ones, but every experience offers a lesson. Often, we learn more from the tough days than the good ones, and those lessons shape our character and the person we aspire to be.”


DJ Henderson

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