Why I Volunteer: Sébastien Ramde

My name is Sébastien Ramde, and I am 26 years old. I started playing squash a few years ago and started volunteering on court at StreetSquash earlier this year. Someone recommended the volunteer opportunity at a squash competition.


I volunteer because squash is my passion and my favorite sport. I want to pass on the knowledge I have to other people and help them in whatever way I can so that they can get better. 


In addition to helping the participants, it is beneficial for me to also learn from the technical experiences of others because, as they say, we never finish learning. 


At StreetSquash, I see the rigor, discipline, and hard work I always love hearing the “Who are we” chant at the end of practices. 


There is a winning mentality instilled in learners, which helps them become stronger as long as they put in the work. 


To those considering volunteering at StreetSquash, I recommend it because you will spend unforgettable moments with professional and respectful coaches.