Where Are They Now: Leslie Anguiano

Leslie Anguiano first joined StreetSquash in 2014 as an 8th grader. Her friend Kobe nudged her to join aided by a visit to her school from StreetSquash staff. This was her first time joining a program outside her school.


“The first day I went I felt entirely out of place because it was my first time going to an after-school program that was not held in the school that I was enrolled in,” Leslie said. “My first day was also a Saturday so that did not ease how nervous I felt going into a new place.”


However, she quickly felt more at home.


That feeling didn’t last long because the other students were overall nice and I remembered there were a few girls that were friendly,” Leslie said. “I also depended on my friend Kobe a lot to inform me of things and quickly got me assimilated into the routine and rules of the program. Ms. Monique was also always a pillar of the community there and really helped a lot to make it more comfortable.” 


Leslie took full advantage of StreetSquash’s academic offerings. She took pre-college courses at both Brown University and Syracuse University. She took a class in European Literature at Brown, and an art class at Syracuse.


She went on many college tours with StreetSquash outside of New York State.


StreetSquash also helped her significantly with her standardized tests.


“I greatly improved my test-taking skills because of ACT prep that we did our junior year, taking several practice ACT exams,” Leslie said. “We took very serious and prep classes throughout the year. That helped decrease my test-taking anxiety a lot, and I credit my ACT and SAT scores to those prep sessions.”


Following high school in 2018, Leslie went to Hunter College originally majoring in English and Adolescent Education. She later transitioned to Environmental Studies and Childhood Education. While enrolled in school, she tutored in various capacities at different organizations. 


“These jobs were especially helpful in gaining experience with lesson plans which came in handy when I got a job as a Team Leader in another after-school program in Harlem,” Leslie said.


Leslie now works as a 6th-grade math and science teacher at the same after-school program. Looking forward, Leslie has been accepted into SUNY’s TESOL (Teach English to Speakers of Other Languages) program which will give her a professional teaching certification and allow her to work with K-12 English learners. 


“I think my time at StreetSquash definitely helped me develop the work ethic that I have now,” Leslie said. “They provided many opportunities to explore my independence such as with the pre-college programs, and providing college fairs to ask questions. This was essential for me as the first one in my family to go to college.


Leslie’s brother Mauricio also attended StreetSquash and went on to college. Her sister Janae is a current StreetSquash student who will enter her senior year of high school in the Fall of 2025.


Leslie thinks young students considering StreetSquash should give the program a chance.


“The program is a great way to broaden your horizons and try new things,” Leslie said.